Before You Share Bad News, Think About Your Delivery
Many of us have to deliver bad news at work from time to time. Research shows that people hearing bad news do indeed “shoot the messenger,” which means you should be careful about your delivery. When you have to tell someone information they’ll find unpleasant, try to convey that you’re doing it to help them.
If Your Employees Can’t Unplug from Work, They’re Probably Getting Burned Out
Your employees may be closer to burnout than you think. If they can’t set healthy boundaries between work and their personal lives, or call in sick or take a vacation day when they need to, burnout probably isn’t far off. Leaders need to institute policies that show they care about employees’ health and encourage workers
How Leaders Build Trust
To be effective, leaders need their team’s trust. But how do you get that trust — and how do you get it back if you’ve lost it? Three behaviors are essential. The first is to create positive relationships on your team. There are a number of ways to do this, including: helping employees cooperate, resolving
Break Out of Your Standard Patterns of Thinking
Great innovators see the world differently. They look beyond what’s obvious and expected, and seek out novel solutions to problems. You can push yourself to be more creative by trying out new approaches to challenges. When you’re in a situation where you’re tempted to resort to your usual methods — starting a new project at
After a Fight with a Coworker, Be Proactive About Apologizing
When a disagreement with a coworker spirals into the kind of fight where you regret your words and actions, you need to be proactive about mending the relationship. Set up a one-on-one meeting with the other person. Your initial goal is simply to apologize, so specifically acknowledge what you did wrong. Then say you’d like
Break Out of Your Standard Patterns of Thinking
Great innovators see the world differently. They look beyond what’s obvious and expected, and seek out novel solutions to problems. You can push yourself to be more creative by trying out new approaches to challenges. When you’re in a situation where you’re tempted to resort to your usual methods — starting a new project at